Only 20% of the world speaks English. Don't hold your business back by neglecting multilingual consumers.
We can help you reach a wider audience by targeting non-English markets. Businesses that translate their website content see a 25-70% boost in their sales revenue.
With customers in the U.S., Canada, and Europe, Urban Outfitters needed to re-evaluate its international strategy. We helped them engage their two largest European markets: Germany and France.
6 of the top 10 U.S. banks trust MotionPoint to provide consistent brand messaging while supporting compliance through automated quality control.
A global B2B manufacturer achieved greater customer satisfaction and cost efficiency through automated quality assessments, reducing review costs and delivering high-quality translations at scale.
A top 5 U.S. Health Insurer wanted to better serve its Spanish speaking market. MotionPoint’s solution required fewer than five hours of IT effort to implement and took only 90 days to localize the customer portal.
MotionPoint helped a 5-star luxury hotel maintain its unique brand tone across languages, ensuring a consistent and high-quality guest experience online.
Our technology supports seamless, ongoing localization by automatically assessing and maintaining translation quality, allowing tech companies to keep multilingual content up-to-date effortlessly.
Multilingual websites can reach 75% more internet users. Solutions that maintain authentic messaging and improve translation accuracy help drive conversion rates up by 70%.
No matter your industry or business goals, our technology delivers the right quality of website translation for your brand.
A translation proxy server works between the original website and the end users to generate translations on-the-fly. It replaces the original content with its translated version when a global user accesses the website or app without them noticing a thing. This is a great, hands-off solution for companies of all sizes.
Keep your brand’s unique voice and style consistent across languages with MotionPoint’s advanced translation approach. Our solution combines translation memory and AI-driven technology with optional human review, helping you save up to 60% on translation costs. Ideal for large websites with frequent, fast content updates.
APIs are a low-commitment, seamless way for companies to add translation functionality to their websites or apps. They utilize machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies to dynamically translate language pairs and provide accurate translations for different languages. This is a great option for simple word-for-word translation projects that don’t require additional content translation or localization.
36% of companies that invest in language services do so to access a new market. Whether you’re going global or seeking out new domestic markets, you need to speak the language of the locals. We can help you do just that.
Website localization can grow search traffic by 47%, boost website visits by 70%, and increase conversion rates by 20%. Think of all the new customers you can reach by optimizing your website for their languages.
The second most common reason companies tranlsate their content is to comply with local laws and regulations (18%). Don’t subject your business to lawsuits or fines.
Content translation can simplify business processes, with solutions that maintain trusted messaging and optimize translation accuracy across all healthcare materials.
By using MotionPoint’s concierge-level proxy localization platform, you can better serve your markets with a relevant and effective multilingual website with unmatched translation accuracy.
Don't burden your internal marketing teams. Work with MotionPoint and save up to 60% on human translation costs today.
4 Free Resources to Supercharge Your Website Translation Strategy
Smarter Translations.Bigger Impact.
Adaptive Translation™ with AI ensures accuracy, consistency, and effortless updates.
Your Website Deservesthe Best Translation.
Get a personalized scorecard and expert insights to optimize your translation strategy.
Turn Translation intoProfit.
Use our ROI calculator to see exactly how your business benefits from localization.
The Marketer’s Guidefor Website Translation.
Download our expert guide to website translation and marketing performance.