The real challenge of website translation isn’t language—it’s technology.

Naturally, translation quality and accuracy are important. But automation and software play pivotal a role in managing localized content.

If you want to operate localized websites efficiently and affordably, you must understand the technologies that can help you mitigate complicated translation and production workflows.

Our free e-book educates you on the pros and cons of three popular technologies used in translating website content:

  • The Turn-Key, Proxy-Based Approach
  • CMS Connectors
  • APIs

This e-book can help you select the one that best matches your requirements.

Download this e-book containing:

  • Easy-to-understand explanations on how each technology works
  • How each technology handles online and multichannel translation
  • The pitfalls of using brittle solutions
  • How some technologies save you money, and others don’t

Remember: Translating and localizing content for global websites is fundamentally a technology issue. Choosing the right tech for your needs saves you time and money down the road.

Download the e-book

Keep Learning

Discover even more insights in these related e-books:

A Marketer’s Guide: The Impact of Website Translation on Digital Marketing Metrics and KPIs

A Marketer’s Guide: The Impact of Website Translation on Digital Marketing Metrics and KPIs

Controlling the Costs of Website Translation

Controlling the Costs of Website Translation

Discovering Translatable Content Online

Discovering Translatable Content Online

Translation ROI: Is Translation & Localization Financially Feasible?

Translation ROI: Is Translation & Localization Financially Feasible?


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