Video Aug 23, 2024

Word Growth

Today, we tackle a topic that might sound as appealing as a bowl of alphabet soup, word growth in website translation.

Imagine this, You’ve got a killer website, a sleek design, snappy content, the works. But then you decide to translate your website into different languages, and chaos ensues.

Why? It’s because of word growth.

Word growth is like that unexpected guest at the party that rearranges all of your furniture and misaligns everything.

Because the same thing happens when you translate content from English into other languages. See, those languages often need more space to convey the same message.

Take English to German for instance. You’re looking at an eighteen percent expansion.

English to Spanish is worse at a twenty percent growth spurt. And so you might think, so what? Right? A few extra words won’t hurt nobody. Wrong. Word growth can wreak havoc on your website’s layout and functionality.

I mean, just imagine your multilingual content overflowing like a broken burrito, sloppy, unprofessional.

It’s a recipe for disaster.

But don’t worry. Solutions do exist. Web template adjustments and a touch of human intervention can sometimes be enough to save the day. You know, in MotionPoint, we’re always ready to help. That’s all for today’s MotionPoint Minute. Keep marketing like this. No manana.

Categories: Website Translation, Marketer, Streamline Operations, Optimize Performance, Video

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