Marketing Strategies
New Heights, Customers Await Mobile-Savvy Airlines
Dominic Dithurbide's avatar
By: Dominic Dithurbide
June 02, 2016
New Heights, Customers Await Mobile-Savvy Airlines

The mobile web presents untapped opportunities to woo international passengers.

International Business Strategies
Cultural Fluency in Global Marketing (Part 2)
Dominic Dithurbide's avatar
By: Dominic Dithurbide
June 01, 2016
Cultural Fluency in Global Marketing (Part 2)

Uncover powerful ways to boost global brand awareness in the conclusion of our two-part blog series.

International Business Strategies
Cultural Fluency in Global Marketing (Part 1)
Dominic Dithurbide's avatar
By: Dominic Dithurbide
May 25, 2016
Cultural Fluency in Global Marketing (Part 1)

Discover how to engage international customers in authentic ways online, in this first installment of our two-part series.

Today’s Hottest Emerging Markets in E-Commerce
MotionPoint's avatar
By: MotionPoint
May 17, 2016
Today’s Hottest Emerging Markets in E-Commerce

Are you an e-retailer looking to expand into new global markets this year? Our latest list of emerging markets can light the way.

International Business Strategies
China: The Sky Isn’t Falling
Reagan Evans's avatar
By: Reagan Evans
May 12, 2016
China: The Sky Isn’t Falling

China’s economic growth is slowing. Analysts are glooming and dooming. But our expert has a different perspective.

International Business Strategies
For Telecom, Does ‘New Markets’ Mean New Marketing?
Dominic Dithurbide's avatar
By: Dominic Dithurbide
May 11, 2016
For Telecom, Does ‘New Markets’ Mean New Marketing?

Learn how savvy telecom companies can adapt existing marketing content for new global customers.

Conducting Business in Québec: The Linguistic Need-To-Know
MotionPoint's avatar
By: MotionPoint
May 05, 2016
Conducting Business in Québec: The Linguistic Need-To-Know

French fluency is critical for companies expanding into the Canadian province—even online.

U.S. Consumers Get a Big Break with EU Duties, Taxes
Reagan Evans's avatar
By: Reagan Evans
April 28, 2016
U.S. Consumers Get a Big Break with EU Duties, Taxes

It’s good news for American shopaholics—but it’s a powerful, and profitable, opportunity for European e-retailers.

Simplifying the E-Commerce Experience for Global Customers
Dominic Dithurbide's avatar
By: Dominic Dithurbide
April 27, 2016
Simplifying the E-Commerce Experience for Global Customers

Our analysts offer advice on how to make e-retail sites friendlier to international shoppers.

International Business Strategies
How To Make Global Customers Love Your Brand
Reagan Evans's avatar
By: Reagan Evans
April 21, 2016
How To Make Global Customers Love Your Brand

In global marketing, one message does not fit all markets. Our analyst shares tips to authentically connect with international customers.

Will the ‘Brexit’ Bruise UK E-Commerce?
Dominic Dithurbide's avatar
By: Dominic Dithurbide
April 18, 2016
Will the ‘Brexit’ Bruise UK E-Commerce?

A withdrawal from the EU will undoubtedly impact the UK economy. How will e-commerce fare in a post-Brexit world?

Marketing Strategies
Five Engagement-Boosting Localization Trends in Financial Services
MotionPoint's avatar
By: MotionPoint
April 13, 2016
Five Engagement-Boosting Localization Trends in Financial Services

Banks, insurance companies and other financial institutions can discover new opportunities to increase conversion and revenue.

Marketing Strategies
An Excerpt from Our New ‘7 Winning Insights’ E-Book
MotionPoint's avatar
By: MotionPoint
April 07, 2016
An Excerpt from Our New ‘7 Winning Insights’ E-Book

Gain a competitive edge in international markets by reading our latest free e-book.

Translation Technology
Speak the Language, Win More Business
Reagan Evans's avatar
By: Reagan Evans
April 05, 2016
Speak the Language, Win More Business

A MotionPoint global growth expert explains how market-relevant translations can win consumers’ hearts and minds.

International Business Strategies
7 Tips for Mastering Global Markets are One Click Away
MotionPoint's avatar
By: MotionPoint
April 01, 2016
7 Tips for Mastering Global Markets are One Click Away

Get valuable insights into how to engage and keep customers in global markets in our new e-book.

Marketing Strategies
The Powers of Parity, Relevancy and Engagement
Dominic Dithurbide's avatar
By: Dominic Dithurbide
March 22, 2016
The Powers of Parity, Relevancy and Engagement

Is your business going global? Here are three mission-critical tips, from one of our experts.