How effectively are Black Friday, Cyber Monday and other U.S.-created holiday sales events spreading in European markets? A closer look, from one of our experts.
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"The Secret Language of Boosting Holiday Sales" reveals how companies can gain a powerful competitive edge during the holidays.
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Last year, Chinese shoppers spent $9 billion in one day. Nov. 11—the world’s largest online shopping day—is nearly here. Can your company get a piece of the action?
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Ideally, website content should be unique and relevant to its target market. Here are five ways custom localizations generate powerful results in international markets.
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Most times, one Spanish website can effectively serve every Spanish audience. But in some cases, subtle linguistic differences can greatly impact conversion and revenue.
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For years, SEO experts have touted URL optimization as a best practice. Learn how this ethos applies to localized content on international websites—and how it boosts conversion rates and revenue.
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Companies tend to abandon their global online strategies when they don't generate immediate, meaningful results. The reason "why" is a mystery for these organizations—after all, they performed their due diligence and launched a localized website in the market’s preferred language. What went wrong?
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How can companies effectively inform international customers that a localized version now exists for their market? The secret, MotionPoint found, was to put the customers' needs above all.
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Global smartphone adoption is skyrocketing. What’s the smartest way to ensure that a company’s localized content displays accurately across all digital channels?
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Retailers say up to 30% of their online revenue now hails from global customers. Learn how to make localized domestic and international retail sites a success for your organization.
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Discover how Spanish-language mobile websites boosts traffic, engagement and revenue for companies in several industries. Is your company ignoring a thriving opportunity.
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M-commerce is outpacing traditional e-commerce by three-to-one. If your expanding organization neglects the mobile web, it’s missing where the action is. Here’s a primer.
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Luxury e-commerce sales will reach $21 billion by 2020. Discover four markets that are largely untapped by the online luxury industry, and a have demonstrated appetite for online shopping.
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Luxury e-commerce sales will reach $21 billion by 2020. Discover four markets that are largely untapped by the online luxury industry, and a have demonstrated appetite for online shopping.
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Here a few tips to consider when expanding your online business to new markets, communicating with international customers, and fulfilling their cross-border orders.
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The V4 represents the fifth-largest economy in Europe and the twelfth-largest in the world. Discover how your company can engage this thriving market with localized online experiences.
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